Law Journal

Who We Are

Who We Are

Lawi is a project by some not-for-profit organisations and community legal centres which fosters the public interest by opening access to legal information and, in the future, connecting individuals and organisations for probono legal services and legal aid.

Our mission is centred on bridging the justice gap in Asia, North America, South America, the European Union and Africa.

Lawi operates within a human rights and social justice framework, which means that our work and priority setting is informed by a focus on unmet need and equality of access to legal assistance and advocacy.

Lawi is dedicated to improving the access to legal information of students, practitioners and communities with a focus on international law and legal practice. We have a strong commitment to the communities and regions in which we provide information. We share a passion for making positive changes.

Public purpose: connecting people to knowledge

We are dedicated to the public purposes of furthering open access to legal information and reducing library costs. People around the world use the Encyclopedia to find and provide entries about law and the legal profession. Legal researchers, students, faculty,
scholars, professional librarians and other information seekers use the Encyclopedia of Law to obtain bibliographic, abstract and full-text information when and where they need it.

Our Project
Our mission is providing legal information and resources for law students and legal professionals.

How will we know when we’ve reached that point? When our readers tell us we have.

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Who We Serve
How We Work
Where We Are


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